Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The fall back friend.

Okay, so I kinda didn't want to rant on my blog at all but right now I really don't care. So I just wanted to say that being the fall back friend really sucks! What I mean by that is those friends who never say a word to you for weeks or months, and then they come back and are all like "omg my other friends hate me and I have nothing to do tonight. Wanna hang out?" HA. Why would anyone want to hang out with someone who made them feel like a last resort? It's like telling the fruit salad at desert "Oh the choclate cake is all gone so I guess I'm stuck with you..." It's not only rude but it's as if they think you're stupid enough not to realise what they are doing. I'm actually very aware of what people do to me and if it weren't for my hatred of confrontations I would have no problem telling them to their faces what I think. And depending on how close I am with the friend I normally will hint if something is wrong. It just goes to show how unappreciative some people can be of friendship. If you want to keep a good stabe friendship with someone then always give 100% and the other friend will give 100% in return. Who wants a friend that only gives 50% on this day and 90% on that day? It's inconsistent and noone likes inconsistency. Well that's basically it. But just a lesson to everyone: Don't be inconsistent, don't be a fall back friend, and don't have any fall back friends, and always give 100% to a friendship.
with love, Becky :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Kind of Like a Bucket List...

So I decided to make a list of things that I'd LOVE to do in my lifetime. Kind of like a bucket list... Anyways, I have to keep this list in a place where I know it won't get lost, so I'm posting it on my blog :) 

1. I really want to backpack across Europe. I mean, how amazing would that be?
2. Spend a few years in the Peace Corps.
3. Go to cullinary school :)
4. It'd be a cool experience to join a ballet company for a few years! (or at least go see the kirov ballet perform)
5. Go sky diving.
6. Open up a bakery <3
7. Go to World Youth Day (This won't be on the list for much longer!)
8. Do a cross country road trip! (good thing I don't get car sick)
9. Go to Vatican City.
10. Go on an African Safari!

I know you might be sitting there thinking "psh good luck with all that!" but I'm determined to make most of the stuff on my list happen! I mean, I'll be able to cross off #7 in less then two weeks! Already maing progress :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011


     Summer is almost here!!! Today my familys having a barbeque and we're inviting a bunch of friends over so it's a great way to get into the feeling of summer. Not that I'm really anywhere close to done with school yet... Well anyways summers great and all, but there are those days where you just really don't know what to do and thats why I'm gonna give you......drum roll please!!!........ THE TOP 10 WAYS TO SPEND A SUMMER DAY! (for those of you who don't have cars, this is a good list)
 1. Invite a friend over and do summery things! Like hop-scotch or jump rope. Kiddish, I know, but hey weren't summers especially fun when you were a little kid?
2. All your friends on vacation or somthing? Well then take a nice walk by yourself. Maybe to an italian ice place or a park.
3. Be a photographer for a day. Walk around and take some nice artsy photos.
4. Bake somthing! I know thats one thing I'll always love doing!
5. Go outside and read a book. Find a nice spot in the sun (or shade for those with the easily burnt irish skin)
6. Go in the pool! Or for those of you who may not have one, fill up some water balloons and attack your little siblings! (thats what I would do)
7. Do some painting and sketching! Go outside and get some inspiration form your surroundings.
8. Go to the beach! Since I made this list especially for people who don't drive yet, if you can't exactly get to the beach without the car then just go tanning in the yard!
9. Make dinner for your family. It'll be good traing for the future when your gonna have to make dinner every night.
10. Have any pets? Take them for a walk or just play in the yard with them. If you don't have any, little siblings will do.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 6 Quote of the Day!

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to persue them" -Walt Disney

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 5 Quote of the Day!

"I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles." -Audrey Hepburn

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 4 Quote of the Day!

"I am not interested in money, I just want to be wonderful" -Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 3 Quote of the Day!

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." -Helen Keller


     Okay, so I have something to say about fear. No matter how strong or smart or beautiful you are, EVERYONE has their fears. Some people are scared of the dark, heights, or... the dentist! There's one quote that I really love and I'm pretty sure everyone knows it. Franklin D. Roosevelt said that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He put it so perfectly. When we are scared to do something or that something might happen, we're in a constant state of fear. I can say honestly that my biggest fear is going to the dentist. About one month ago I had a check-up and found out I had to get cavities filled. Fun right? Well anyways, for that whole month before I  had the appointment to get a filling, I was in a constant state of fear. Every time I was in a good mood, the thought of the dentist came back to mind and I drew back into fear. Well I just finished my appointment today, and surprisingly it was completely painless. I'm happy it's over right? Well yeah, but on the other hand I had wasted so much time in fear of the pain I might feel. So the moral of my little story is that, when we spend so much time in fear, we waste so much time to be happy. Life's to short to waste time being scared. Don't EVER let your fears take over. Stay in control of your feelings. This is all I have to say on the subject. So keep smiling, life's to short to not smile.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 2 Quote of the Day!

This quote is by my favorite president of all time, Abraham Lincoln. I love it, and it's so true!

"People are just as happy as they make up their mind to be." -Abraham Lincoln

Monday, April 25, 2011

Quote of the day!

     I really love reading different quotes because their really short, to the point, and can actually change your perspective on things (some quotes at least). I decided that for one week I'm going to find the best quotes I can, and every day I'll leave one for you guys. Along with the normal posts I'll put up of course. Hope you enjoy! :)

Day 1 quote-
"Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man." -C.S. Lewis